
Thank you for your interest in Auburn Lodge #7, Independent Order of Odd Fellows. We are located in historic and beautiful Auburn, California. Our Lodge is, among other things, a 501 C-8 non-profit charitable organization that uses much of the money it brings in to give help to worthy organizations, events and individuals in our community. Odd Fellows believe that life is a commitment to improve and elevate the character of humanity through service and example.

We have ancient rituals dating back to the seventeen hundreds, and while we strive to honor our history, we recognize that we must move into the future to remain viable. Honoring and respecting our roots through ceremony yet moving into the future with eyes wide open, ready to meet the challenges of today, all under the tenets of Friendship, Love and Truth (FLT), represented by the three links. These three principles, we believe, are essential for the future of our country, our community, our society.
Friendship is the strongest bond of our association. As a member you are bound to take part with your brothers and sisters to safeguard our members and families in times of adversity and aid those in distress.
Love is the link which requires benevolence to our fellow human beings, which comes only after all hatred, envy and selfishness have been laid aside.
Truth is the standard by which we value people. Truth can make the pathway clear to move forward with integrity. It is the foundation of our society.
Through our membership, the Auburn Odd Fellows are striving to integrate our beautiful historic hall as a touchstone for doing “Good Works” in our community at large. We feel strongly that this historically significant building is one of the premiere gems in Auburn with exceptional potential to grow and thrive through a burgeoning social fellowship.
We seek people of good moral character who believe that we can make a difference in our world. People that enjoy honoring history, who are also willing to work to move us into the future as a viable organization. The work we do is worthwhile and important. Active members are essential for us to grow and be effective in our mission of doing good works for our community and world.
If you are looking for opportunities to be of service, while enjoying making new friends, we invite you to join in that work by becoming a member of the Lodge. It is a process consisting of sponsorship, interviews, and pledge work. If you are interested in knowing more about how to join us, we invite you to use our contact form or email us at info@auburnlodge7.com and we will get back with you!